Lawyer in Paris 3

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Lawyer in Paris 3

Criminal law

Commercial, business and competition law

Banking and stock exchange law

Intellectual property law

Arbitration law

Law of associations and foundations

Maître Mathieu Croizet , lawyer in Paris 3



Mathieu CROIZET advises and defends his clients - in France and abroad - with rigour, determination and reactivity in all their problems in general criminal law and business criminal law, commercial, business and competition law, law of associations and foundations, intellectual property law, but also banking and stock exchange law and arbitration law.

Mathieu CROIZET, experienced in crisis situations, can be mobilized in emergency and at any time of a procedure.

Mathieu CROIZET is a writer who has published two detective novels. He takes particular care with legal writing, which must combine precision and efficiency in order to convince judges.

If you are in a situation that concerns one of the firm's areas of expertise, do not hesitate to contact us for a preliminary interview.

Maître Mathieu Croizet

Counsel to the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon


Generalcriminal lawcovers all crimes and offences against persons and property such as physical assault, theft, extortion, drug trafficking, etc.

Business criminal law is a specific branch that covers all so-called economic and financial offences such as misuse of corporate assets, breach of trust, money laundering, corruption, influence peddling, illegal interest taking, tax fraud, stock market offences, counterfeiting, cybercrime, etc.

Business law is one of the branches of private law that deals with a set of rights related to business affairs such as contract law, commercial leases, company law, commercial procedure, tax law, consumer law, etc.

It regulates the activity of traders and industrialists in the exercise of their professional activity.

Bankinglawcan be defined as the set of rules intended to govern the activities carried out as a regular profession by credit institutions. It follows from this definition that banking law is both the law of bankers (it is therefore a professional law) and the law of banking operations (relationship between banks and their clients)


Intellectual property is a branch of law that groups together all the rules applicable to " intellectual " or " immaterial " creations, which are " intangible assets ".

It is divided into two subjects, governed respectively by the two main parts of the Intellectual Property Code: intellectual and artistic property, on the one hand, and industrial property, on the other.


Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method whereby parties agree to submit their dispute to an arbitral tribunal generally composed of 1 or 3 arbitrators.

The arbitrator makes an award that is binding on the parties subject to certain conditions.

Arbitration thus makes it possible to settle a dispute by bringing the matter before an arbitral tribunal rather than the State courts,

It is therefore a method of settling disputes out of court and is very often used in international disputes.



The law of associations is a branch of the private sector which concerns on the one hand the Associations known as"law of 1901" and the Associations of local Alsatian-Mosellan law.

Many laws apply to associations which are consequently applications of other branches of law.

This applies in particular to the law of contracts and obligations, tax law, labour law, etc.

A foundation isdefined by article 18 of the law n°87-571 of July 23, 1987 on the development of patronage as "the act by which one or more natural or legal persons decide to irrevocably allocate goods, rights or resources to the realization of a work of general interest and non-profit making".

It is a grouping of legal or natural persons to carry out a common project (as in the case of the association), but an irrevocable financial commitment of its founders to carry out a work of general interest with no profit motive. A foundation has no members. A board of directors, a management board and/or a supervisory board manages it

In the case of an association or foundation project, it is necessary to call on a legal professional to advise you.






33 rue REAUMUR

01 40 06 90 50

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Means of payment accepted: cheque transfer
Payment in several instalments possible
First appointment free of charge

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